ARCHA+ focuses its programme primarily on young audiences - not only in the evening programme, but also in the morning activities for schools. ARCHA+'s dramaturgy is multi-genre, which is why the programmes for schools also include activities from different types of art - theatre and dance performances, music workshops or unconventional discussions.

We perform original contemporary productions about and with young people. About their everyday problems, about topics that may be taboo or difficult to talk about not only for young people.
Performances for schools are accompanied by a moderated discussion with the creators.
As well as discussion, we try to bring contemporary dance productions closer to the school with movement interaction or workshops that can be booked.


Looking for inspiration on how to engage students in music education? Try our music workshops, which are sometimes more technical and other times based on voice work. And we're always coming up with new formats for you, and we'd love your input too.

What about the OV and ZSV subjects? There's the unique format of Debates for Puppets with interesting but undercover guests that grasps each common theme in an engaging and interactive way. The debate, in which puppets play the role of anonymous guests, is always complemented by an original lecturer programme led by DAMU creative dramatics students.

For more active students who are interested in culture and art and would like to develop further in this direction, we offer the ARCHA+U programme. It brings workshops, lectures, Third Space club/community activities or other opportunities to get involved in ARCHA+ projects.

We are open to other formats. We are happy to listen to your needs at the SBOROVNA+ meetings. If you would be interested in a closer partnership that includes various benefits, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We believe the ARCHY+ concept will appeal to the young people you work with every day. We would like to invite you to work together to create an inspiring environment for young people. We look forward to meeting you.