Tue 25 03, 10:00 / Mon 09 06, 10:00
Věra Ondrašíková & kolektiv:
Together. Without words. Without iClouds. Everyone talks about it, but no one's ever seen it. It's fragile, it's mysterious, it's immortal, it's everywhere. The soul. One of the most discussed topics of the current young generation through the eyes of those it affects. CLOUDS is the meeting of a few souls with clouds gathering over them. Imagine finding a new way to communicate and share with each other. Children with children, children with parents, parents with children, yourself with your inner child.
No words. No iClouds.
This performance is intended especially for schools. If you are interested in visiting it with your class, we will be happy to give you a group discount (tickets for students for 190 CZK + 2 free tickets for teachers). Contact us by e-mail: martina.filinova@archa-plus.cz
Concept and choreography by Věra Ondrašíková
Choreographic collaboration: Daniel Iemolo
Dramaturgy: Marta Ljubková
Nicole Collins, Matěj Bělohlávek, Krištof Pehal, Nikola Budaiová/Ema Stulíková,
Marie Motýlová, Jakub Dvořák, Magdalena Vykydalová,
Kateřina Bártů, Jan Dvořáček
Live music by Filip Míšek
Lighting design: Pavel Kotlík
Co-production: ARCHA+ and Tanec Praha z.ú./PONEC - theatre for dance
Large hall, free seating.
Suitable for age group 9 – 18 years.
Lenght: 50 min + discussion 15 min
190 CZK/student, two entries for each class free of charge.
martina.filinova@archa-plus.cz or by order form.
The authors of the production drew on anonymous stories of child-age respondents, which were collected under professional supervision. According to current statistics, parents are among the last people children turn to in case of emergency. Children communicate with their friends more often through social networks than in person. They are not afraid to share their privacy or location. But when they find themselves in a crisis situation, they don't confide in anyone. Parents also often do not know how to communicate with their teenage child. And so are often surprised to learn that their child is going through a difficult time situation.