Fri 28 03, 20:30

Ventolin & guests (album release party)

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Ventolin comes from the hub to ARCHA+ to release his new album. There will be a party, there will be guests, there will be new tracks, there will be disco science, so come too!

Ventolin's fourth album, which will be released on 21 February and whose name is still a secret, will be very diverse in genre! As a "taster", listen to his latest single below:

With the new album, Ventolin will follow up Dneska se vyčasilo (2021) and the groundbreaking second album Vitajte (2017), from which his biggest hit to date, the song Disco Science, also comes. A year ago, David Doubek released his debut album Soft Freezy Dolce together with his band Ametyst. When Ventolin is not playing, he lectures anthropology and psychology at Charles University.

20:30 – SJU
22:00 – VENTOLIN
02:00 – EWEN