Thu 06 03, 19:00


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HUTCH is a choreography by ten young dancers about the chaos that comes with every adolescence. The choreography was created as part of the joint experimental project DEKKA KICK-OFF by DEKKADANCERS and ARCHY+.

'Everyone says it’ll get better with time
But they claim these are the best years I should enjoy
It’s hard
I feel like I can’t achieve anything better
Even though my whole life is ahead of me
I’d rather get lost
Run away somewhere else
I want to be somewhere else
Somewhere I can still make a difference
Will it get better when I grow up?'

'An era full of limitless possibilities.
How do you choose? What path do you take?
The feeling of being overwhelmed, surrounded by watchful eyes and a creeping weight from all directions. How do you not collapse under it? How does today’s generation respond to the pressure they face?
By escaping?'

'I don’t want help!
I feel everything and nothing at the same time. What’s happening? Do I even know myself?'

'Around me is a shield of memories from a time when everything was still good… We feel too much, we notice too much, and it’s all falling apart, crashing down on us.'

'Mayday, mayday, mayday
This is sailing vessel Hutch, Hutch, Hutch position east of the Cape of Good Hope, in sight, we’re getting old, we’re growing up too fast, one sailor on board, we need more time.'

A performance about the chaos that accompanies adolescence.

DEKKA KICK-OFF is a joint experimental project of DEKKADANCERS and ARCHA+. It provides an opportunity for artists aged 18–26 to prepare their original dance production under the supervision of experienced dancers, choreographers and other professional collaborators. The project places a strong emphasis on authenticity and space for the expression of artistic vision, of attitude and ideas of today's young generation. 

Created by: Olha Bashkirova, Simona Bednaříková, Luisa Brychcínová, Amálie Cuplová, Leontina Foltýnová, Kateřina Hulínská, Vojtěch Javůrek, David Kodys, Kristýna Kosková, Alice Silná  
With help of Patrik Čermáka, Štěpán Pechar and the whole team of DEKKADANCERS and ARCHA+
Costumes: Emma Fiala
Music: František „Luteja” Dušek, Tomáš „TAIPEI8000000” Prokop

The show uses strobe lighting effects, artificial smoke, loud music and sounds.

Large auditorium, free seating.
Lenght: 55 minutes.