Debata pro loutky:
Berete drogy?
We've had enough! We've had enough of unnecessary human prejudice. We've had enough of people judging another person based on appearance or education. People are incapable of talking to others without already forming an opinion of their thoughts beforehand. So we have decided, as an essential part of a long cultural tradition, co-heralds of the Czech nation's revival and holders of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage status, to help you people and take on the difficult role of discussants. Perhaps then we will at least get to something. If we don't get entangled in this... Your BOWS! Debating the issues that move the theatre world (not only) on boards that mean the world!
The debaters don't know each other's identities, just as the audience doesn't know the debaters' identities. Invited are experts on the topic, but also lay people, public figures, or simply people who have a desire to debate. Come and join the debate too! Can we listen to each other?